Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Today's Grifter Update

It was a Grift Too Far, apparently. Annoying anachronism who won't go away and snowbilly grifter Sarah "Winky" Palin is quittin' again:
Sarah Palin announced on Saturday that she would stop selling subscriptions to the Sarah Palin Channel in August, a little over a week after Fox News cut ties with the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate.
Palin told subscribers to her channel that the content on her site will now be free, and that those with annual subscriptions would be refunded for the rest of the year, according to Mediaite.
Yes, putting up her tiny monthly output of stale videos for all dozen thousands of her micro-forehead fan club may have been a Grift Too Far, and certainly required more work than Winky was willing to put in for the meager subscription take.  Expect to see even less shit stuff on the channel now that she's not getting paid.

Anyway, on the positive side, she has more time to help abstinence crusader/ daughter Bristol Bristle with the rearin' of her second out- of- wedlock child (possibly immaculate conception).

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