Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Rump's Latest Hypocrisy

The once-classic Old Post Office Pavilion on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. is being renovated and rebuilt as a luxury hotel.  The only clinker:  bigot and voice of the Rethuglican id Donald "Rump" Trump is the builder.  Rump won a contract from the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) -- the fools --  to convert the property to a hotel and commercial space just 5 blocks from the White House.  His name would be plastered on the front of the building, right on Pennsylvania Avenue of all places.

Interestingly, according to reports, Rump has a problem on his hands related to the project.  The once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle has found that the construction is being done by numerous illegal immigrants, whom Rump has been using as a piñata punching bag in his campaign for the Rethug nomination.  While Rump's organization is doing the homina homina routine and pointing fingers elsewhere, Rump knows enough about construction (just ask him) to know that construction labor in this country relies heavily on immigrant workers.

The hypocrisy, it reeks.  And speaking of reeking, shouldn't the GSA be doing something in response to Rump's bigoted statements about Mexican / Latino immigrants, even if they can't cancel the project at this point?  Take his name off the building? Something?

BONUS:  The PGA has announced that it won't be holding the "PGA Grand Slam of Golf" at a Trump golf course in Los Angeles this October.


  1. This news makes me gag! I worked a bit in that nice old building. I shudder to think how shiny and faux it will become. And that name along Pennsylvania Avenue! Shame, shame, shame. P.E.C.

  2. The latest news is that pressure is building to have chef Jose Andres cancel his plans to open a restaurant in the building, and so far no retail stores have signed on to occupy space. It could turn out to be another Trump bust.
