Not only is the Senate Republican "leadership" saying they wouldn't bother to meet with a Supreme Court nominee of President Obama's, much less give them a hearing or an up or down vote, Sen. Mitch "Missy McConnell now says the same might be true if a Democrat is elected President in November and the Senate stays in Republican hands! Tom Levenson expresses our thoughts:
I didn’t think that anything the GOP could do — especially an act as predictable as this — would do more than deepen my weary sense of “they are who we thought they were.” But this feels like a last straw. I’m just done with allowing any framing of this as “just politics” or what have you. I and a majority of my fellow citizens voted President Obama into office twice. The disrespect to him is something he can handle (better than I ever would). But it’s the delegitimizing of my vote, my choice, my place in American democracy that has just gotta stop. The current Republican Party has to be destroyed, root and branch. They are blight on policy, and a boil on the body politic. Time for them to go.We all know what we need to do by electing a Democratic President. But that won't do us much good in the face of unprecedented, un- democratic Republican rule in the Senate. We need to flip that dysfunctional chamber in order to restore some semblance of a working democracy in America.
Let's start here: among the most vulnerable Republican
Here are links to Democrats' campaign pages (where there's a leading Democratic challenger):
Russ Feingold (WI)
Maggie Hassan (NH)
Tammy Duckworth (IL)
Ted Strickland (OH)
BONUS: Nancy LeTourneau has the list of the Republicans' unprecedented abuse of the President and the Constitution.
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