The Daily Beast's David Rothkopf gives us his perspective on the revealing of top secret war plans on a Signal chat, and why it's not the biggest scandal produced by this clown car of "national security" incompetents and Russian tools:
... This incident is appalling in its own right—but
it hardly is the administration’s biggest foreign policy blunder.
Rather, it is emblematic of a dangerous pattern. Indeed, if doing damage
to America’s national security interests is not the primary goal of the
Trump team (and I’m not sure it’s not), it is certainly a clear
consequence of many of their actions.
In just
the past two months, we have seen them systematically undermine
virtually every major U.S. foreign policy goal stretching back decades.
We have launched trade wars and threatened the stability of an
international trading system of which we were the primary architect and
champion. We have gone further, threatening to invade and illegally
annex the territory of allies like Canada and Denmark and of friends
like Panama. We have turned our back on another friend, Ukraine, in its
courageous fight to defend itself from Russian aggression.
Top administration officials have parroted Russian propaganda—as in
Trump negotiator Steve Witkoff’s recent televised statement that the
people of eastern Ukraine had expressed a desire to be part of Russia.
The president himself has set the tone for such outrageous lies by
suggesting Ukraine was at fault for Russia’s invasion, and with his
public humiliation of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a
disastrous Oval Office meeting.
Indeed, perhaps the most egregious foreign policy
disaster among all those that have taken place under Trump’s malignant,
myopic leadership is that the United States has abandoned the North
Atlantic alliance it helped create—along with it, the championing of
democracy and the rule of law—and, instead, has thrown in with Russia
and new axis powers who seek to promote ethno-nationalist,
anti-democratic despotism.
In addition, the
Trump administration has made a series of decisions to weaken our
defenses against our rivals—by shutting down key programs across the
government and, essentially, America’s entire foreign aid apparatus, a
rollback that will not only lead to the death of millions worldwide but
one that will produce hostility against the U.S.
The result of these moves is the most shocking international relations
turnabout in our history. (And let’s not get into the dangers associated
with firing the people in charge of assuring the security of our
weapons of mass destruction, or those who play a critical role in
defending us against both epidemics and biowarfare.) [snip]
Perspective remains critically important, yes, but we must not get too
caught up in the story of the day. Rather, let’s be clear: This
egregious national security breach, involving virtually every senior
natsec official in the Trump administration, is deeply shocking and
profoundly stupid. But it is probably only the twentysomething-worst
foreign policy move they’ve made so far. (our emphasis)
It's no secret to us and to most sentient observers that the greatest benefactor of all of the above is the war criminal Putin and his anti-American, anti-Western democracy regime. We don't believe the Malignant Fascist's actions taken that have weakened America and its allies while benefiting Russia are all "blunders." In our opinion, many are the moves of actors taking their cues directly or indirectly from the Kremlin, actors who've been compromised or who are in ideological agreement with the revanchist, fascist Russian state or are just cowardly, lickspittle MAGAt worshipers of their Golden Calf (or all of the above). Now that the point's been made abundantly clear, what are those in a position to do something about it prepared to do, or is that going to be yet another task for a grassroots movement?
BONUS: Christopher Bates ("Z") at adds "consequences":
... We propose above that, with the possibility of someone being thrown under
the bus to protect Trump from the consequences of
Signalpot Dome,
the people involved in this fiasco will suffer no consequences.
That does not mean that we believe there will be no consequences, however. It was already the case that the leaders of
other nations believed (with good reason) that Hegseth and Waltz are unqualified buffoons, while Gabbard (and possibly
Trump himself) may be Russian assets. They also knew that this president is so lax, he literally leaves highly
classified information laying around in his bathroom,
where all visitors to his house potentially could see it.
Now, in addition to all of this, foreign leagers know that all (or nearly all) of the highest-ranking defense and
intelligence officials in the U.S. government have a careless and cavalier attitude about intelligence, and that they
are prone to stupid mistakes. Those leaders also presumably suspect, quite reasonably, that this was far from the only
time that sensitive matters were discussed over exceedingly inappropriate and unsecured channels. And finally, those
leaders know that when there's a huge screw-up, the response from the White House is a shrug and the observation that
stuff happens.
How can any nation share anything sensitive or important with the U.S. right now? It's one thing for Americans to put
Americans at risk. It's another thing for Americans to put Britons at risk, or Canadians, or Australians, or Japanese
people. And the less the U.S. knows about what's going on in the world, the greater the risk of a military disaster, a
terrorist attack, etc.
How, indeed.
More later today in "Skeets of the Day."
(Image: keeping him on a short leash)