Thursday, January 4, 2007

The Decider's Diary

January 2007 -- The Decider has work to do. I'm still doing my excretoric reading, and pretending to ponder everyone's opinions. I call it "multi-taxing." (That's a joke for my Democrat readers - I love a clever jab.) Reading a play by one of those French guys - "No Exit" -- hey, that might be a good name for my Iraq strategery if one of the PR guys here hadn't already named it "New Way Forward." Heh-heh, that's a joke, too (I think).

Anyway, all this pretending to ponder is hard work! If I really had to DO SOMETHING with all the opinions, it'd be real hard!! Lucky for me, if not for the Iraqis (heh-heh), I'm only pretending to be listening - playing possum - until I announce what I've planned to do all along. As soon as I check with Dead-Eye Dick and Turd Boy to see what that is, I'll let you know (but I think it's Staying the Course - I mean a New Way Forward).

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