Thursday, February 22, 2007

Dems Begin Forming Circular Firing Squad

It's never too early for feral Democratic campaign staff, whose interest in their candidate trumps party or national interest, to begin to lose focus on the target-rich authoritarian Rethugs and direct withering fire on their own. The Geffen/Clinton/Obama kerfuffle only feeds the right-wing agitprop machine and the MSM (MainStreamMorons) who love to intersperse their Anna Nicole and Britney coverage with anything damaging to adult public discourse. Already, the Murdick empire and Moonie press are feasting on the Dems' pot shots, and this time they don't have to manufacture a madrassas red herring. For example, why aren't the Dems blasting away 24/7 at Dead Eye Dick's assertions that they give aid and comfort to al Qaeda (Pelosi's comments notwithstanding)? Why aren't they continuing to hammer 24/7 the Assministration's incompetence, the latest example being the Walter Reed outrage? The inconvenient truth is that many of these campaign operatives have tactical skills, but act as if they have no sense of the greater good that would come from campaigns focused on the Rebunglecans' 6 misbegotten years of incompetence, arrogance, lying, and subverting the Constitution. If Dems can't muster the discipline to hone in on why they, as a party, are better equipped to lead the nation, they will be allowing Rebunglecans to establish the terms for the '08 election, using ammunition they themselves provided.

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