Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Flops Flip

Last month, it would have been "extortion" to talk with Iran and Syria, according to Suckertary Rice. Today, it's an " work for peace and stability in the region." What has changed to cause this ... er...flip flop by the Bush Assministration? Uh, we dunno. Except maybe they're thinking (if that's not an oxymoron) that the "surge" in Baghdad might fall a leeeetle bit short of expectations, and they might need others in the region to come to the rescue?

If there was a more feckless assministration in U.S. history than the current one, Hackwhackers will eat the Iraq Study Group report. You'll remember, of course, that last December the Group recommended the very course of action now being undertaken, in addition to other recommendations that have been largely ignored by this criminally clueless assministration and its shrinking corps of lickspittles in Congress.

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