Thursday, March 8, 2007

Is That an Award in Your Pocket, or...

As reported elsewhere, CPAC's recent Jeanne Kirkpatrick Academic Freedom Award winner Matt Sanchez has been outed as "Rod Majors," gay porn star and fudgepacker-for-hire. Sanchez (pictured here at CPAC with a female impersonator) is a former Marine corporal who was honored for allegedly standing up (heh heh) to anti-war students at Columbia last year. He became the pet monkey (heh heh) of the homophobic wingnut propaganda apparatus, gladly appearing with O'Really? and Field Marshal Hannity, among others, to provide his hard (heh heh) right testimony for the "we poor conservatives are under attack" crowd. Welcome, "Rod," to the bursting-at-the-seams (heh heh) pantheon of Rethug culture warrior sexual hypocrites: Foley, Haggard, Gannon, O'Really?, and adulterers Gingrich, Giuliani, Hyde, Livingston, Barr and Sherwood.

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