Thursday, April 26, 2007

Haul Her Butt In

Secretary of State Condi "Mushroom Cloud" Rice is announcing that she will not condescend to appear, under subpoena, before Chairman Waxman's committee to investigate the use of bogus intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq. Instead, she says that she'll answer the questions "again" in writing, as if they were honestly answered before in her confirmation hearings. This, of course, would not allow cross examination and follow up questions by the committee, which is no doubt what Rice intends. This is becoming a pattern with the Rethug regime: stonewall, lie, and avoid accountability. The pattern needs to be interrupted by forcing her to come to the hearing, sit in the witness chair under oath, and answer questions about why this Assministration lied about WMD, Saddam's connections to al Qaeda, etc. She can't handle that.

Go for it, Chairman Waxman.

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