Tuesday, April 24, 2007

McGovern Rips Cheney a New One

Former Senator and Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern gives Dead Eye Dick Cheney what fer in an op-ed article in today's LA Times. McGovern was responding to a speech Dead Eye made recently in Chicago, which was not unexpectedly full of distortions and lies about McGovern and the Democratic Party. McGovern contrasts his WWII combat record (volunteered for service, 35 B-24 combat missions, Distinguished Flying Cross) with Dead Eye Dick's ("five deferments and has never seen a day of combat") then goes on to contrast his record of integrity with that of Dead Eye and the Preznit:
"...I never broke my [campaign] pledge to speak the truth... It is my firm belief that the Cheney-Bush team has committed offenses that are worse than those that drove Nixon, Vice President Spiro Agnew and Atty. Gen. John Mitchell from office after 1972."
Still speaking the truth.

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