Monday, April 23, 2007


Bushville, A Gated Community, may not be part of the free, democratic Iraq that is about to emerge, after all. Upholding a tradition going back to the start of the Iraq occupation, the U.S. Ambassador said today that the Bush Assministration would, after the fact, comply with the wishes of the Maliki government and remove the wall being built around the Sunni district of Azhamiyah in Baghdad (see Hackwhackers item from April 21). One would have thought that by now the Bush Assministration would have learned a few lessons from the past 4 years, during which culturally and politically tone-deaf American officials (most likely, loyal Bushies with degrees from Regent University!) have made more than the usual quota of bumbling missteps, not to mention a catastrophic decision or ten. But these arrogant mouthbreathers will continue to stumble over their own knuckles as they amble off into the sunset - wait, that's not a sunset, it's a car bomb explosion! Nevermind!

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