Monday, June 11, 2007

Loserman On The Loose

Interviewed by Fox's Obergruppenfuehrer Sean Hannity this weekend, Sen. Joe Loserman (Likud-CT) indicated that he could see himself supporting a Rethuglican for president in '08. What a surprise. He's been supporting the Rethugs in the Senate for some time now, and generally stiffing his former Democratic colleagues while still caucusing with them (and no doubt passing on caucus strategy tidbits to the Rethugs).

Loserman also said on Face the Nation that he would support military attacks on Iran, stating that Iran was training and equipping Iraqi extremists - - like the ones that make up the Iraqi government's Mahdi base. So Joe wants to start yet another war in the Middle East, on top of the ones in Afghanistan or Iraq - - where we're barely holding on - - and the looming war in Lebanon, which will eventually involve us beyond logistical support, no doubt. Smart thinking. Maybe an endorsement from Loserman wouldn't be so good for the Rethugs after all.

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