Wednesday, June 27, 2007

She's Deeply Depraved

Anyone watching yesterday's "Hardball" had to be nauseous at the sight of (M)Ann Coulter slinging slime at Elizabeth Edwards. Even "Tweety" Matthews showed his growing disgust at the-pathetic-excuse-for-a-human Coulter, pressing her on why her extreme attacks were necessary. To her everlasting credit, Elizabeth Edwards kept insisting again and again that (M)Ann Coulter stop the vile personal attacks on her husband and others that she's smeared in the past (9/11 wives, etc.). Coulter kept flipping her bleached hair and was clueless, even after the crowd behind her (many of whom looked like Young Regthuglicans) applauded Elizabeth's sentiments.

(M)Ann Coulter is a deeply disturbed and vicious wingnut. Most mainstream conservatives have shunned her, but few if any confront her dispicable statements. One could begin by asking Coulter, who ironically specializes in sexual put-downs, what a 45 year old woman with no apparent history of lasting heterosexual relationships is doing in her own miserable life. (photo: apologies to the horse for the comparison)

UPDATE: Jon Swift has a delightful view on this smackdown.

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