Wednesday, June 27, 2007

With Experts Like This

Today's WaPo has an op ed by Rethug Michael Gerson, "An Exit to Disaster," in which he states:
"No one can confidently predict the outcome of a precipitous withdrawal, but the signs aren't good. Experts such as Fred Kagan at the American Enterprise Institute believe a full-scale Iraqi civil war would result in massive sectarian cleansing..." (my emphasis)

Isn't that the same neocon Fred Kagan (of the glorious Kagan Klan) who was one of the neocon "brain"trust that propelled us into Iraq and also is a prime author of the "surge" strategy? So, to get this straight, he's just out there flogging for a continuation of his own bankrupt policy, and Gerson is pointing to him as an expert?! My, aren't you Rebunglecans the clever ones!!

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