The Preznit did his obligatory compassion "tour" of the I-35W bridge rubble today, saying that he was praying for the victims' families and rescue workers.
That's nice, but the Chimpster was full of compassion, promises and heartfelt statements after Katrina in New Orleans nearly two years ago, where over 1,800 people perished, and we know how that's gone. The problem is that Chimpy sees these as political photo ops -- or at worst, damage control for his leadership failures (almost seven years of infrastructure decay, while he pushes huge tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans - his campaign contributors). So while the bridges and tunnels continue to deteriorate, Chimpy pledges that the I-35W bridge will be reconstructed quickly, but says nothing about the 70,000 bridges that are rated "structurally deficient." Must be waiting until January 2009.
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