Monday, August 13, 2007

I'm a Republican; Don't Talk About No Stinkin' Ethics!

Rethug political operative/ token Hispanic, Reagan official, and would-be Bush Secretary of Labor Linda Chavez is the subject of a rogering in today's WaPo. The article, "In Fundraising's Murky Corners," details Chavez's use of several "fundraising" scams from January 2003 to December 2006 to shakedown over $24.5 million from clueless wingnuts. Her "family business" employed herself and four family members, while only distributing $242,000 to Rethug pols and $151,236 for political activities. An example of how one of Chavez's four manufactured PAC's, the "Stop Union Political Abuse" committee, operated can be summed up in the following excerpt from a 2003 fundraising letter the group sent seeking contributions, promising to work for the passage of the anti-union "Workers' Freedom of Choice Act": "If we stop now, the terrorists win." (my emphasis) Terrorists? Would that be union members?

Simply appalling, even considering the source and the target audience.

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