Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Search For Next Blindly Loyal Hack Begins

With the resignation announcement of Alberto "Fredo" Gone-zales yesterday, the White House has been floating tur, uh, floating names of potential replacements. Some are rather hilarious: Homeland Security Secretary Michael "the Ghoul" Chertoff, who was Michael "Heckuva Job Brownie" Brown's boss during the Katrina debacle. That's even drawing howls from wingnuts, who also count the immigration issue against the Ghoul.

Given Dumbya's history, it's likely to be a loyal hack above all else, who will do the Preznit's mostly illegal bidding without question for the final 16 months of his term. Dumbya doesn't want any boat rocking now at Justice, given some of the questionable and illegal initiatives launched during Fredo's reign, and the need to continue stonewalling Congress.

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