Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Let The Finger Pointing Begin

As has been widely reported, the new book "Dead Certain" by Robert Draper has a number of mindboggling anecdotes about the Decider's mismanagement style and overall cluelessness. One instance that stands out was Dumbya's recollection to Draper of the decision to disband the Iraqi Army, now generally regarded as a catastrophic blunder which resulted in a general armed uprising. Dumbya suggested that it was his policy to keep the Iraqi Army intact, and that the policy wasn't followed by Paul Bremer, chief civilian administrator in Iraq following the invasion.

This little bit of rewriting history was apparently too much for Bremer, who released letters from May 2003 to the White House raising the issue of disbanding the Iraqi Army, letters that went unanswered. According to the New York Times, Bremer was "smoldering" over what he perceived as fixing the blame on him for the debacle. The Decider accepting blame?

Welcome to BushWorld, Mr. Bremer.

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