Monday, October 15, 2007

Fred Hiatt, Fourth Estate Wanker Extraordinaire

On the same day the WaPo published an editorial essentially saying the surge was working and the assministration's critics were wrong about the level of violence in Iraq, Post correspondent Salih Saif Aldin was shot in the head and killed while covering a story in a Baghdad neighborhood. Should we expect editorial page editor and neo-con acolyte Fred Hiatt to send a condolence letter to Aldin's family, noting the progress made by his assministration in curbing violence? The execrable Hiatt is also responsible for adding more crackpot neo-cons (Frank Gaffney, Jr., Michael Gerson, Robert Kagan), to the already-full stable of right-wing horses' asses assembled on the WaPo editorial page (George Will, Charles "Kraphammer," Robert Novak, and the occasional half-page gas bubble emanated by the rotting Henry Kissinger). Walter Lippmann, Eugene Meyer, and Katherine Graham are doing 100 rpm in their graves.

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