Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Those Godawful "Kool Kids"

The "Kool Kids from Beltway High," otherwise known as the mainstream media, are well underway in shaping the coverage of the 2008 presidential election. Issues? Why yes, um...there's the Edwards haircut, Hillary's cleavage and Bill's "baggage," there's Obama's pussyfooting, yada yada jing jing jing! With this level of sophistication, was it any wonder the MSM's lead-up to yesterday's Democratic "debate" put heavy emphasis on calling out the wimpy men to attack Hillary "before it's too late!" The theme leading into the primaries has been established: if the Dems don't give us some ad hominem fireworks, by God we'll goad them into it! And for God's sake, don't make the fireworks about anything meaningful! Just enough so we can sell some advertising!

Some related articles worth reading: at LG&M, a sharp look at the cancerous Maureen Dowd and her unhealthy obsession with the Clintons; Eric Boehlert over at Media Matters has a piece on Colbert's sham run and how it says a lot about the MSM coverage of the campaign; and Taylor Marsh has some observations about how Timmeh and the boys handled Hillary during the "debate."

Boehlert has it right when he says the "press has decided to cover presidential candidates as celebrities, as personalities...[it's all about] which candidate was fun to be around and which one was authentic." Yeah, just as Tweety, MoDo, Ceci Connolly, Broderella, Timmeh and the other Kool Kids saved us from boring, inauthentic Al Gore in favor of the "who-would-you-rather-have-a-beer-with" Dumbya.
There isn't a wall long enough to line all these witless evil-doers up against...

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