"America's Mayor," Rudy Toot Tooty, had some interesting billing practices while in office, according to Politico.com. Seems when he was schtuping future wife #3 in the Hamptons, Toot Tooty was sending the bills to various city departments to cover (up) the cost of his trysts (he was married at the time to Donna Hanover).
Turns out, this was a bad day for Toot Tooty. First, the billing scam. Then there was the revelation on Keith Olbermann's show tonight (check out the video at MSNBC) that Toot Tooty has business ties to the ruling family in Qatar (the ones who helped Khalid Sheik Muhammad escape FBI's clutches -- and more). Then he got booed at the Rethug YouTube "debate" when he went after Willard "Muff/Mousse/Flip Flop Mitt" Romney a wee bit too aggressively.
The little man may never get his place on that balcony, after all.
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