At a Halloween costume party at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), some staff members dressed up in what was later termed "inappropriate" costumes. One clever guy, likely a Rethug political appointee, dressed up in a prison uniform with dreadlocks and heavy dark makeup. ICE head (heh heh) Julie Myers, who initially praised the "originality" of the costume, later backed off and apologized. Myers, the niece of former Joint Chiefs Bush Butt Kisser Gen. Richard Myers, was criticized by Senators in 2006, including Rethug Senator Voinovich, for her lack of experience, and is still awaiting comfirmation. She had previously worked as a "special assistant" to Dumbya for personnel matters ("Hey, I can do that, Mr. Preznit!!"), and for Presidential semen sleuth Kenneth Starr.
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