Saturday, November 24, 2007


One of the direct consequences of the Decider's decision to go after Saddam Hussein ("He tried to kill my daddy") was to decrease pressure on the core of al Qaeda - - you remember, the ones that actually attacked us - - in Afghanistan and the northwest frontier of Pakistan. Reports are now indicating that the Taliban has a permanent presence in over 50% of Afghanistan, with the frontlines approaching Kabul, despite NATO efforts to root them out. The expressed aim of the Taliban is to retake Kabul in 2008. So as the Bushies are pointing to the surge in Iraq as evidence of the Preznit's profound wisdom, we should also ask them to point to the deteriorating state of Afghanistan and ask why al Qaeda and their Taliban allies are growing in strength.

UPDATE: Apparently the National Security Council has taken note of the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. Wide ranging strategic goals for 2007 have not been met, and there is deep concern about the political situation in neighboring, nuclear-armed Pakistan.

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