Friday, November 30, 2007

Your Rethug Base

The reactions of some Rethug focus group members to the candidates' comments at the recent Rethug "debate" are telling: negative to any statement regarding helping the poor, and positive to any statement endorsing torture.

As Kevin Drum notes, "ladies and gentlemen, your Republican base."

1 comment:

  1. Great comment on Drum's article:

    "Republican success derives from playing to the base emotions of the masses: greed, hate, fear, violence, and sex (homosexuality, Clinton's impeachment), and so on.

    And all the while they've been dragging Christianity through the sewers with them, such that all of these evil vices are very nearly synonomous with Christianity. (You could also hear these people booing answers that dared to hint at charity, compassion, the rule of law, and the Constitution)

    The most frightening part is that these "values" of viciousness are held by at least 30% of the American populace. Probably more.

    Who wants to take the over/under on the survival of this nation at two generations?"

    Couldn't have said it better.
