Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Neocon Job

Well, it didn't take long for the neocon contingent of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders to try to spin the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on the shut down of Iranian nuclear weapons program. The same neocons that were pushing false information about Iraq and then Iran are now either "skeptical" about the intelligence, or spinning that Dumbya's deceit about Iran's program was a smart move to keep the Iranians off balance. The New York Times' "The Lede" draws on a few of the more tortured statements.

The NIE story is certainly about the content of the document, which said that Iran's weapons program was shut down in 2003. But it's also about the fact that the report was completed some 6 months ago and held from the public by the neocons in the West Wing that didn't like the conclusions reached. The speculation is that the report's release was forced by an "alliance" within the Assministration, including the CIA/Joint Chiefs of Staff/State Department, that was leery of more dishonest intelligence cherry picking of data by Cheney & Co., similar to the lead up to the Iraq invasion.

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