Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Rethugs' "Moral" Dilemma

While we'd never vote for any of the Rethuglican candidates for President, we can't help but smile at the contortions that some establishment Rethugs are going through over Mike "Hucksterbee" as he rises in the polls. It exposes the patchwork alliance that started with the "Southern Strategy" of Richard Nixon, where establishment, corporate and economic elite Rethugs welcomed Dixiecrat rednecks that were leaving the Democratic Party over its support of civil rights. During the Raygun years, southern evangelicals unhappy with the country's "morals" were courted to cement what the Rethugs thought would be an unbeatable coalition of corporate and economic elites and southern Yahoos. Well, now that a Yahoo is surging in the Rethug race, the elites aren't happy. After all, the bargain was for the Yahoos to vote for an elite Rethug, and then take a back seat as long as elite Rethug presidents pushed "social" or "family values" issues, and paid lip service to the evangelicals.

Now Hucksterbee is spoiling their nomination picnic, by asserting his place at the elite Rethug table. The chickens have come home to roost. For once, we can say "amen."

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