Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wingnuts Betrayed!
As we noted yesterday, former Michigan Rethug congressman Mark Siljander has been indicted on 42 counts relating to laundering money for al Qaeda and the Taliban. The cries of betrayal from the wingnut world have been very amusing to watch, as if Rethug corruption was something new. Horror of horrors, fetch us the smelling salts! Bwahahahahaha!
One case in particular stands out: the detestable right wing blogger "Dirty Debbie" Schlussel actually worked for Siljander in the 1980s. Usually, her blog is full of vile bigotry, and of hate for anyone to the left of David Duke. Dirty Debbie says she is crushed that her hero turned out to be a shill for the jihadists that she fights every day with her keyboard. Life's a beotch, DD, deal with it!