Friday, March 7, 2008

Wasn't Dumbya's Endorsement of McSame Enough?

Yesterday's cable news shows were periodically running the Clinton news conference in which she complimented Senator Walnuts! McSame's commander in chief credentials, along with her own. She then said Senator Obama would have to explain his own qualifications. Lest you think this was a one-time deal, earlier in the week she favorably highlighted McSame's "lifetime of experience" along, again, with hers, remarking that Senator Obama's experience consisted of a speech he gave some years ago. Some ask why is she campaigning for McSame? Is she channeling Senator Joe Loserman?

How this possibly helps the Democratic Party escapes us. Sure, there needs to be a good clean debate between Obama and Clinton. But this win-at-all-costs, say-whatever-it-takes politics is associated with the Murray Chotiner/Lee Atwater/Karl Rove school of politics through the Nixon/Reagan/Bush presidencies. It's more than strange to see a Democrat use it against a fellow Democrat; it's destructive of the party's chances in November.

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