Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Five Years Later: The Lies

With the fifth anniversary of the launch of the war in Iraq, University of Michigan professor Juan Cole effectively summarizes the major lies put forth by the Bushit Assministration as themes in each of the past 5 years. Cole, a professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies, has studied and traveled extensively in the Middle East.

The lies can be summarized as:

Year 1: rising violence in Iraq is nothing out of the ordinary
Year 2: Iraq is becoming a model of democracy
Year 3: the war is connected to 9/11 and al Qaeda
Year 4: Iraq is not in a civil war
Year 5: the surge is working, and "victory" is within reach

The last theme is being actively promoted by Dumbya's Rethuglican successor, Sen. McSame, despite evidence (cited by General Petraeus, no less) that the political reconciliaiton process and economic rebuilding hasn't developed.

Heckuva job, Dumbya! Oh, and McSame? You screwed up the script: Shiite Iran is not alleged to be supporting al Qaeda in Iraq (a Sunni group); they're supporting the Shiite militias, and indirectly, the al Maliki government.

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