Thursday, March 27, 2008
Sen. Hillary Walter Mitty Clinton
"I was the first first lady taken into a war zone since Eleanor Roosevelt." Sen. Hillary Walter Mitty Clinton, March 25, 2008, news conference.
This is several days after Mitty Clinton's tale of taking hostile fire after executing a corkscrew landing at the Tuzla, Bosnia airport in 1996 was debunked by video showing her walking calmly off her plane, followed by her only child, and then taking time to leisurely greet a Bosnian schoolgirl and American troops on the tarmac. (Not this video, though.)
The truth about her latest claim? As reported in today's "The Fact Checker" in the WaPo, Pat Nixon flew into Saigon in July 1969 at the height of the war. And that "corkscrew" landing? Mitty Clinton's pilot, Col. William Changose (USAF-Ret.) said he undertook no evasive maneuver on landing in Tuzla, and that "Not only were there no bullets flying around, there wasn't a bumblebee flying around." Now there's a future commander-in-chief we can rely on!
Mitty Clinton has blamed her mistaken recollections on "sleep deprivation." Must be from being awakened by all those phone calls at 3 a.m.
Meanwhile, here's what all that lying and negative campaigning is doing.