Friday, April 25, 2008

Nobody Left To Blame

Now that former Pentagon #3 man Doug "Whiz Kid" Feith has written his fictional version of the lead up to the Iraq War, one theme stands out: everybody else but Whiz was to blame for the fiasco. The WaPo has a synopsis of his statements from his book, where Whiz makes covering your backside an art form. Among the people he blames are (deep breath) Colin Powell, Richard Armitage, Condi Rice, Tommy Franks, Paul Bremer, Donald Rumsfeld, and, yes, Dumbya for not stifling objections at the State Department.

This is the guy that Gen. Tommy Franks once called "the dumbest f*cking guy on the planet," and that former administrator Gen. Jay Garner called "incredibly dangerous. . . a smart guy whose electrons aren't connected." Whiz said in a "60 Minutes" interview that he didn't think the case for the Iraq war needed to be based on their having WMD. Oh really? That was far and away the main reason for the preemptive strike. Saddam was going to provide WMD to al Qaeda, remember the story?

If there's any justice in the world, someday Whiz will be confined to a small prison cell, where he can commune with the cockroaches, and blame the warden and guards for his predicament.

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