Sunday, May 4, 2008

Spinnin', Bayou-Style

Yesterday in a special election, Democrat Paul Cazayoux, Jr. (left) won a House seat (the 6th Congressional District) formerly held by Republicans...for the past 33 years. For perspective, Gerald Ford was President the last time a Democrat was elected in the 6th. Republican strategists were using the race as a test-run to see if pinning Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi to the Democrat would be a winning strategy for races in the fall. National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ken "The Rain Stays Mainly in My Brain" Spain has this extraordinary spin (try not to lol):

"When Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi were introduced into this campaign, Don Cazayoux was leading by a large margin in the polls and Republicans substantially closed that gap. This election speaks to the potential toxicity of an Obama candidacy and the possible drag he could have down-ballot this fall."

Umm, yeah, Ken. I think the "drags" seem to be the "Republican" brand and the Preznit who has helped give it its "toxicity." Someone pass Ken some more Kool-Aid.

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