Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Vino" Exiting

Rep. Vito "Vino" Fossella (Hypocrite-NY) won't be running for reelection. Vino, you may recall, was nabbed in a DUI stop on
May 1 ("Mayday, mayday! We have an emergency!"), after which he was forced to disclose a long-term relationship with Laura Fay and a 3-year-old daughter from that relationship. Complicating matters for Vino was the fact that not only did his wife not know about the extra-marital relationship (shocking!), but Vino had told Ms. Fay that he was separated from his wife (which he was not). Of course, family values Vino made his career as a defender of all that was holy about matrimony, including shunning his gay sister. What a Man!

We'd like to report that Vino is not seeking reelection in order to spend more time with his, er, families, but it seems neither family wants much to do with him now.

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