Monday, June 16, 2008

Goin' for the Women's Vote, Rethug-Style!

Texas oil millionaire and former Republican candidate for Governor of Texas Clayton "Yee-Haw" Williams was to host a McBush fundraiser today in Midland, Texas. However, the fundraiser, which already had sold $300,000 in tickets to the local Rethug deep-pockets, had to be canceled over the weekend. Seems the crusty old goat-cum-oilman made a remark comparing rape to bad weather: "As long as it's inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it." (This is the same hilarious quip that got former Indiana coach and world-class authoritarian Bobby Knight into a heap o' trouble a few years back -- it must be circulating in Rethug circles. It's also the Bush Assministration's philosophy on hurricane relief.)

To its credit, and because it really had no choice once the comment was exposed, the McBush campaign said it will reschedule the event for a later time and dis-invited Mr. Williams. No sense in shining too bright a spotlight on what the Rethug base represents when you're trying to woo all them Clinton wimmen!!

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