We said it yesterday, but it bears repeating and repeating: For our two cents, the following die-hard, Clinton- over- party- over- country hacks should not be allowed anywhere near the Obama campaign once the Magical Inevitable Hillary Machine evaporates: Harold "Icky" Ickes (a man the Rude Pundit says is "desperately in need of a punch in the nuts"), Terry "Even Ickier" McAuliffe, Lanny "Fanny" Davis, and Howard Wolfson (to whom no opprobrium can adequately do justice). Nothing this group of high-profile Clinton enablers could bring to the table would be worth the price to be paid in honor and truth-telling. For these Four Horses Asses of the Apocalypse are fabricators and weasels of the lowest category, and to bring them into the Obama campaign would just as surely tarnish it as would the addition of Hillary herself on the ticket (not gonna happen).
Meanwhile, more rational Clinton backers, like national co-chair and former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack are saying she should call it quits after tomorrow's primaries.