Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Please Crawl Back Under Your Rock

Every four years, like the cycle of a destructive pest, Ralph "Nadir" Nader reemerges from under his rock. In 2000, Nader votes in Florida totaled over 97,000, effectively giving Bush the election when Florida's votes were "counted." Polls say that he siphoned those votes primarily from people who, given the choice only between Gore and Bush, would have broken for Gore by a wide margin. He ran again in 2004, but received barely one-third of one percent of the total vote cast.

Today, in an interview with the Rocky Mountain News, Nader accused Sen. Obama of talking "white" to appeal to "white guilt," and of not addressing issues important in "the ghettos." Aside from the factual errors in his remarks, "Nadir" reveals a condescending, racist attitude that African Americans should be talking like African Americans, not like him. He thinks Obama should be more focused on "black" issues, and leave the "white" issues to white folks. He's a sad, narcissistic buffoon, who has a habit of leveling regular assaults against Democrats but seems shy about taking on the Republican candidates. Maybe if John McSame tried to "talk black" he'd get "Nadir's" attention, too.

(Village Voice photo of the incredibly shrinking "Nadir")