Friday, June 20, 2008

Take the (Non-Federal) Money and Run!

The "main stream media" is full of righteous indignation over Barack Obama's decision to opt out of the Federal campaign funding system. Not that they couldn't see this coming for months. Egged on by McBush and the Rethugs, they've been waiting to jump on Obama, some because they're in the St. John McBush camp (Fox Nutwork, CNN, Washington Post, etc.), some because they want to make the election as close as possible in order to sell more papers/ electrons -- not mutually exclusive groups, by the way.

These are the same hacks that breezed over St. John's flip flopping over the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, off-shore oil drilling and the immigration bill he helped author. All of McBush's flip flops were his tacking to the right to shore up his wingnut base (far more fragile than the MSM would have you believe). These are policy flip flops that actually have an impact on everyday Americans, not a procedural issue, long coming, as to whether Obama maximizes his war chest to battle the upcoming smear campaign the Rethugs and their 527 groups are going to launch. And McBush has some 'splaining to do on his gaming of the campaign finance system.

So to these amoralists and feeders at the trough of profit and simple-mindedness, we say: "Stick this manufactured flap into the same sunless hole you put your flag pins and madrassas, and other caricatures." And to Obama we say: "Take your non-Federal money and run!"

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