Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Appeasing" Iran

You may recall back in May, when Preznit Dumbya, speaking to the Israeli Knesset, tried to link Sen. Obama to the appeasers of Hitler because Obama had said that he would use diplomacy to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat? Can someone find that tape and please erase it so Dumbya and St. John McBush of Barbecue won't be embarrassed? Oh, right, nothing embarrasses them!

It seems the Assiministration is reversing its own bonehead no-talk policy and is sending Undersecretary of State William Burns to meet with Iranian officials in Geneva -- without preconditions. This leaves the Rethugs flapping and floundering for some other epithet to tar Sen. Obama with. We're sure they'll come up with some nonsense; they always do.

(Photo: Henny Dumbya speaking to the Knesset: "Take my policy on Iran... please!")

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