Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Chippin' at the Mansion of Love

Last August, Mississippi Rethug Congressman Chip "Double Dip" Pickering announced he wasn't going to run for reelection in order to -- all together now -- spend more time with his family. Well, seems he won't be needing so much time after all, since, as Wonkette reports, he's divorcing his wife. We won't go into the lurid details, but it involves at least two other women (hence "Double Dip"). Well, whaddaya know! An oddity in Rethug circles: a hetero cheater! Chip comes from fine Mississippi bloodlines -- his father is infamous racist retired federal judge Charles Pickering, often on Rethug short lists for Supreme Court vacancies.

(Photo: "Double Dip" with soon-to-be-ex-wife Leisha)

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