Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Department of Extreme Irony

"This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don't like him. I feel like he's an elitist. . ." -- Businesswoman Lynn Forester de Rothschild, on whether she'll raise funds for Sen. Obama.

de Rothschild was a Clinton "Hillraiser" who raised at least $100,000 for Sen. Clinton's campaign. Let's see: big money fundraiser with a famous aristocratic name. But not elitist herself. Maybe she meant to say "uppity" instead of "an elitist."


  1. Who is elitist Obama or this woman who wants to hijacj the will of the people, our presidency and democracy, somebody who spends most of her life and time on Wall Street but not on Washington, Main or MLK streets. Poor peole send your $25.00 a piece to support our democracy and to take back our presidency. Obama money or no money our future President.

  2. Why on earth a Clinton supporter would switch to supporting McCain is beyond me. Or, to not vote at all and possibly let McCain win. Do they not care if another completely out of touch with reality Republican hawk is president for four more years? Haven't they learned from the past 71/2 years what these "we can win elections, we just can't govern" modern day Fascists are capable of? Are they, in the end, that small minded ?

  3. better if you dont vote at all clinton supports act like 2 yr old througing a tatrum if mommy doest give in to there whims stay home and clinton as well if she doesnt get what she wants all the money she owes no one should help she is the one that kept running even thou she new was a lost case why should we have to help her if we are all struggling till Bill to give her some of the money from speaches from columbia

  4. Funny, she has a name like "Lynn Forester de Rothschild" and she calls OBAMA an elitist? Please, with a name like that she probably wakes to breakfast in bed every morning, as Jeeves reads her the paper.

    And oh yes, McCain is such a better option!

    They need 'wooing'? Sounds like they want their butt kissed.

    It just so happens MORE people voted for a DIFFERENT person! More people do NOT want Hillary in office!

  5. Amen! I agree with all the comments. I think this Rothschild woman's pearls are too tight around her neck & are cutting off the oxygen

  6. This is exactly why Clinton, who had the nomination virtually locked-down a year ago, lost to an obscure and unknown candidate. You cannot convince America that Hillary, who is the recipient of such rabid support, now cannot convince her followers to stand behind the presumed democratic nominee. Obama is clearly more aligned with their liberal philosophies than McCain. The Clinton camp demonstrates that it is less concerned with the best course for America, than it is about personal ego's and personal victory.
    The very idea that Clinton supporters would naturally gravitate toward McCain rather than Obama is absurdity. If it's happening, it's organized and it's a sad commentary on Mrs Clinton, and those those around her. Perhaps the Clinton camp is the Democrats' equivalent of the Republicans' religious extreme. angry minority's refusal to accept the decision of the majority. Is political extortion a crime?.
