Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Holy Joe's Pact With Evil

As we noted yesterday, Sen. Joe Lieberloser (Likud-CT) decided to appear at the "Christian Zionist" wank-fest in D.C., despite Sen. St. John Barbeque McSame's disavowal of nutbag host Pastor John "Hater" Hagee.

Lieberloser was quoted as saying that Hagee's support for Israel "is so much more important" than inflammatory comments made about Jews (!!) and Catholics. Hagee is on record as believing that an end-of-time scenario requires that Jews return to Israel and to convert to Christianity; he's also called the Roman Catholic church "a whore." It should be clear to everyone by now that Lieberloser's priorities are 1) himself and 2) Israel. Nothing else counts.

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