Friday, July 18, 2008

Late Entry

We may have a last-minute contender for the "Wanker of the Week" award: Charles "Kraphammer." The neo-con master of the bon mot thinks Obama's being "uppity" again by daring to want to speak at the Brandenburg Gate! Kraphammer's WaPo op/ed is full of the ad hominem attacks that we've come to expect from the Rethugs and their water carriers like Kraphammer. Kraphammer! You're supposed to be dealing in the marketplace of ideas! Leave the ad hominem attacks to us!

By sheer volume of fudge, we must give Kraphammer the award this week (sorry, "Bipartisan!").


  1. It must be tough having to read this drivel every morning solely to whack some hacks. You are very brave!

  2. Not brave -- just inured. Well, time to do some hackwhacking!
