Thursday, July 10, 2008

Today's Quiz

Who said:

"...the diplomatic and economic approach to dealing with Iran - and trying to get the Iranian government to change its policies - is the strategy and is the approach that continues to dominate."

A. "Arch-appeaser" Barack Obama
B. "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" St. John McCain
C. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates
D. Toby Keith

The answer (we know you already guessed it!) is "C," SecDef Robert Gates, one of the few adults in the Bush Assministration (who, it's been rumored, may be asked to stay on in an Obama Administration). You may also be guessing that it's the same position Barack Obama has taken toward Iran - and you'd be right. (If, however, you guessed Toby Keith, "you might NOT be a redneck!")

So, the next time some hack from the Rethug National Committee, its media outlet (the Fox Nutwork), or the McBush campaign tries to caricature Obama as an Iran appeaser, remember who the adults are in the discussion.

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