Monday, August 18, 2008

McBush Saddleback Roundup

Crooks and Liars has a good roundup of this weekend's "cone of silence" kerfuffle at Rick Warren's Brokeback -- er, wrong apse -- Saddleback Church event featuring separate, but supposedly equal, questioning of Sen. Obama and St. John Cross in the Sand. What really puts the cherry on this is Chinless Wonder Rick Davis (McBush's campaign manager and mega-lobbyist) putting the heat on NBC for daring to suggest the old fart wasn't in the "cone of silence" during Obama's questioning - thereby giving McBush a preview of the questions he'd be asked. Why that would be cheating, and we all know Rethugs don't cheat!

(Photo: visual proof that St. John Cross in the Sand was in the "cone of silence.")

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