Wednesday, August 13, 2008

McBush's Georgia Troubles

The recent conflict between Russia and Georgia opened the door for St. John McBush to show strong, moral leadership on foreign policy and national security... or so he thought. Seems McBush's armchair saber-rattling was noticed by Georgian President Saakashvili, who immediately called McBush's bluff.

Responding to McBush's "We're all Georgians today" puffery, Saakashvili said, "Well, very nice, you know, very cheering for us to hear that, but OK, it's time to pass from this. From words to deeds." This is an understandable response to a cynical politician attempting to grandstand a tragic situation for his own limited purposes. In fact, an even more direct, appropriate response might have been, "Sen. McBush, unless you're parachuting in with the 101st Fightin' Keyboarders, STFU!"

What is also complicating the issue for Generalissimo McBush is the fact that his top foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, has been getting paid by the government of Georgia to lobby on its behalf (Herr Scheunemann: "Psst, Sen. McBush... It would be really a good idea for you to talk tough to the Russians! Don't worry, no one will call our bluff!").

These are the national security "geniuses" that the media has built up, and a large segment of the population has bought into, as better able to lead American foreign policy!

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