Saturday, August 30, 2008

"Putting Country Last"

The Atlantic's Andrew Sullivan has a blog item that everyone should read in the aftermath of John McAncient's pick of Sarah "Who?" Palin as VP nominee. Think about McAncient's judgement in selecting someone who was mayor of a town of 8,400 people just 2 years ago to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. The list goes on, but points to one conclusion about McAncient: he's "Putting Country Last."

Also, did the McAncient campaign fail to vet Palin's "Troopergate" scandal? What does that say about his judgement?

(photo: "Thanks, grandpa. Remember to take your medications today. I'm not quite ready for the top job")

AP photo/Sato


  1. I believe a more appropriate phrasing would be "a heart attack away from the Oval Office".
