Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Campaign Ads and the Liars That Make Them

St. John McMaverick released an ad yesterday that claims that Sen. Obama supported "comprehensive sex education for kindergartners" as an Illinois State Senator. The problem with that ad is its sheer dishonesty. The program that Obama supported was designed in large part to teach kids how to recognize and avoid inappropriate touching and to protect them from pedophiles. Since a number of Rethuglican politicians fall into the pedophile category, this would seem to be a can of worms for them to open. But the strategy is to do the quick hit job, expect that our broken media will spread it without rebuttal, and to put the Obama campaign in the position of explaining why it's a lie.

In this case, the Obama campaign put out a strongly worded statement, but it takes more than that. A political adage goes, "if you're busy explaining, you're busy losing." They need to seize on issues, go on the offensive and hit them hard first.

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