Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Shifting Winds

While the polls don't yet reflect a change in the Presidental race, the meltdown in the financial market will almost certainly shift the conversation from lipstick to the economy. Also, parts of the mainstream media are starting to put down the McMaverick barbeque, wipe the sauce away, and to write about the dishonesty of the McMaverick/Who? team. Some actually are using the word "lie." Former McMaverick idolizer Richard Cohen is up in arms about the lies. Take it away, Dickie:

"McCain has turned ugly. His dishonesty would be unacceptable in any politician. . .his opportunistic and irresponsible choice of Sarah Palin as his political heir. . .is a form of personal treason, a betrayal of all he once stood for."

Of course some of us would argue that "all he once stood for" was an act put on to charm and co-opt his media fans. McMaverick is fond of saying that he'd rather (fill in the blank) than be President. No, he'd rather be President than run an honest, honorable campaign.

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