Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dems Behaving Badly, Florida Edition

In the interest of fair play, we occasionally have to point to a Democrat who exhibits behavior that is, shall we say, bad. Case in point, Florida Rep. Tim Mahoney, who succeeded Rethug Rep. "Paging" Mark Foley (what's in the water in that district, anyway?). Mahoney has admitted to having an affair with a woman, but not that he paid her hush money and then arranged to get a job for her with his campaign advertising company. Well, it appears the story doesn't end there. Rep. Mahoney is apparently one randy, ethically challenged dude, since a second affair has now been alleged. Mahoney's in a tough reelection fight with Tom Rooney of the Pittsburgh Steeler Rooneys. Maybe this is one seat the Democrats deserve to lose.

(Photo: Rep. Mahoney watching his marriage and career go bye-bye.)

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