Apparently, the scare- the- bejeebers- out- of- the- Rethug- base- about- Obama tactics being employed by McDesperate and his well-clothed running mate is the best thing to have happened to gun sales in a long time. In today's WaPo, a window into the unseemly connection between Rethug scare tactics and gun sales is opened in "Gun Sales Thriving in Uncertain Times." Among the reasons (though reasoning is far from what's going on here):
"I think right now people are scared Obama is going to take their rights away...He's definitely anti-gun, despite what you see in the mainstream media," says one pistol-packin' mama.
"What I hear a lot is fear that Barack will win the election and tax everything to the point that you can't afford anything," says a well-informed gun store salesman.
"With the stock market crash and people out of work, and the illegal aliens in this area, the probability of civil disorder is very high," offers a prudent yahoo ready to head for his family's bunker.
We ask you: what do you think you have more to fear: the Democrats or this bunch of loony people with their guns and ammo ready to shoot at their imaginary boogeymen?
(Photo: Rethug weapons expert Harry Simian prepares to ward of hordes of Obama rioters.)
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